Mon - Fri 09:00AM-05:00PM
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About Us

About Bousfiha Law Firm

Bousfiha Law is a boutique law firm located in New York City. We assist clients in both Immigration and Family Law matters. Our team is comprised of attorneys and paralegals with extensive experience working with a diverse clientele. We tailor our representation based on the client’s goals and cultural background.

The founder of Bousfiha Law firm has a background in hospitality that allows her to bring a “high touch” level of service to our clients without the Manhattan price tag. Our approach offers value-driven, fixed fees to meet the client’s need for transparent, predictable pricing. We have employees that speak Arabic, French, Spanish, and English. Whether you are dealing with a divorce or an immigration matter, our team stands ready to help you. Call us today for a consultation.

Founder of Bousfiha Law Firm

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy is to provide clear communication and excellent service, we deliver sound solutions to our clients’ legal problems in a personalized, responsive, and cost-effective manner.

Our Values

Handling client needs with honesty, integrity, fairness, compassion, courtesy and diligence.

Our Vision

We strive to be the standard for excellence in the field of immigration and family law.

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    Contact Info

    Call Now : 212-680-4139

    • contact@bousfihalaw.com
    • Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00
    • 140 Broadway, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10005