Mon - Fri 09:00AM-05:00PM
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Our Team

About the Team

Fatine Bousfiha, Attorney

Fatine assists clients in all aspects of family-based immigration, including family-based visa petitions, fiancee visas, marriage-based adjustment of status, and the necessary waivers to overcome inadmissibility issues that may arise during the application process. Fatine also focuses her practice on assisting non-citizen victims of domestic violence to obtain orders of protection from family court and file for VAWA petitions. Fatine also works with asylum clients seeking to remain in the United States due to fear of persecution if they were to return to their home country.

Before establishing Bousfiha Law, Fatine practiced immigration law as an attorney with a boutique New York-based immigration law firm. She also served as a senior paralegal and office manager in a Brooklyn-based immigration firm for five years.

During law school, Fatine participated in a one-year clinic at John Jay Legal Service- Immigration Justice clinic where she represented detained immigration clients during bond hearings and represented asylum clients during their individual hearings. Fatine also participated in a one-year clinic at New York Legal Assistance Group Matrimonial and Domestic Violence Unit where she assisted victims of domestic violence in obtaining orders of protection and filing for VAWA relief.

Fatine speaks English, Arabic, and French.

Yassine Bousfiha, Paralegal

Abraham Allaoa, Paralegal

Mehdi Bousfiha, Public Relations/Marketing Director

Partners at Attorna

Madiha Madhioub

Law Graduate

Kasim Rana

Legal Intern

Rania Elsanhoury

Legal Intern

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy is to provide clear communication and excellent service, we deliver sound solutions to our clients’ legal problems in a personalized, responsive, and cost-effective manner.

Our Values

Handling client needs with honesty, integrity, fairness, compassion, courtesy and diligence.

Our Vision

We strive to be the standard for excellence in the field of immigration and family law.

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    Contact Info

    Call Now : 212-680-4139

    • contact@bousfihalaw.com
    • Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00
    • 140 Broadway, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10005